

My Love for you is like a love of a mother to a child
My Love for you is like a rainbow
My Love for you is like a bond between father and son
A Love that can never fade, if everything in this world is changing
My Love for you can never change
My Love is from above
It's a Love of passion, peace and progress
It's a Love of happiness, hope and heart of joy
It's a Love of dream
People say there is no Love it is lost
But I say to them my Love for you is not lost
If our Love turns to pain
In the end it shall turn to joy
I will always Love you.........................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was kind of confused at d beginning cos i didn't know who u where referring to until it dawned on me that i was the one and i really appreciate d luv u ve 4me and i promise i wont let u down.Anyway am only kidding. Love is like an eternal flame,Once it is lit, it will continue to burn for all time and is only one who falls in love that knows the thru meaning of love. but there's only one real luv which is AGAPE LOVE. Nice writing keep it up Miss Y. Peter