

Time tattle-tales on everybody
Time is like a journey
Time does not wait for anybody
You have to meet with time
Time is a sort of death
That does not tell when he is coming
When an innocent person is suffering
It always depends on time
When someone lies for a hundred years
In just one day the turth will meet with the lie
So whatever choice, furture, careers goal we make now
It is only time that can tell
So, if you think you are doing something bad
And you are hiding
It is just a matter of time
Do not let it run away from you.
Make sure you're on time


Choices are the decisions we make in our lives
The decisions that we will live with for the rest of our lives
The decisions that will determine our lives
The decisions that will change the rest of our lives
So, what decision have you made?
Is it the right or the wrong one?
I have made the right one
Your choices are your life-
But remember any choice you make,
Either good or bad,
Be ready for the consquence.
My parents usually say,
You shall reap what you sow.
So remember, when making a decision
Make the right one
Because you are the one who is going to live with it
For the rest of your life
My choice is my life
Make the right Exit



Dreams are special gifts from God
My dream is like a love a mother gives to her child
A dream is a visualition
A dream is what you think of
A dream is what you want to be in the future
People say, "I don't worry"
I reply "Why should I?"

A friend of mine told me once
Why should I worry when God is in control,
Now you tell why should I worry?
Another person came to me telling me
"Why do you think about yourself so much?"
And I said the more I think about myself
The more I think about my dreams and my future;
Now tell me whyI should not think about myself.
A friend came to me and said, "You are always proud of yourself!"
I said why not, because I love encouraging myself;
Now tell me why should I not be proud of myself.
People will say different things to challenge you
But they do not know that they are making you strong.
My dream has already come to pass
That is determination
My family say I am like Joseph, the dreamer in the Bible.
My parents say, with God all things are possible
A dream
My dream
that will come to pass with God


What is love?
How do people view love today?
Why do people not feel love like before? Before killing, violence, abuse? Why do I ask these questions?
Can someone answer me?
I say to myself love is a gift given from above.
Love is the first thing that first came to the earth
Because God is love, now and forever
Love is an abstract noun
Love is what you feel within you

Love is what a mother gives to a child
That makes the child special
But what do people feel, I ask again
They feel lost instead of love
They feel pain instead of joy
They feel sorrow instead of happiness
I feel love everyday of my life
Love gives me happiness, joyful songs, make me secure
And makes me feel special
I don't seek love but it seeks me
So I ask again what do you feel inside?

How people see me

My parents see me like a precious gift
that money cannot buy
My sisters see me like a precious stone
that people are eager to have
My friends see me like a diamond ring
that no one can ever be
My teachers see me like a gloden ring
as one who cannot be compared
People see me like a silver ring
that everybody wishes to have
I see myself like a bronze stone
that gives advice to people
though it may not always be right,
that is the only gift I can give a friend
I may be stubborn sometimes
but very wise
I am the most beautiful thing
that God has ever created
I am the best thing that has ever happened to my parents
who have no regrets about me
I am a combination of everything
someone could ever think of
What about you?
What do people around you see you as?


No Condition is Permanent

No condition is permanent

They will talk about you

If you are good

They will talk about you

If you are bad

They will talk about you

Because no condition is permanent

People will always talk whether is good or bad

But if you think about what people are saying

You will never progress

And what you don't hear will not hurt you

So if you want to become successful

Do not listen to what people say

Always follow your heart

Because you are the one who is going to live with it for the rest of your life

So no condition is permanent

There are good times and bad time

There are the ups and downs

Do not give up or give in

Because no condition is permanent



Life is. . .
Life is a risk-
The more risks you take the more you live.
Life is a gift-
The more gifts you give the more you live.
Life is more than existing.
Existing isn't living.
Life is a joy-
The more joy you have the more you live.
Life is a strain-
The less pain you have the less you gain.
Life is wonderful,
Life is evil,
Life is harsh,
Life is smart,
Living as girls,
Life is everything, nothing, and then some.
Only you can decide how to live, you are the one.
You can be good,
You can be bad,
But whatever you be don't be sad, because being alive is a risky thing.
The fact that you're still going should make your heart sing.

I choose this poem because it talks about life and what life is like to live. My parents says, "The ball is in your court, all is now in your hands". That saying reminds me of my future and that my success is in my hands and now is the time to make it work.
(Adapted from Monica Bruenjes)